In this project, my main objective was to design a four-bit ALU circuit capable of performing eight distinct operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and various bitwise operations. I individually implemented each of these eight operations on Falstad, a circuit simulator applet, to create a subcircuit design. This design was subsequently used to construct a four-bit version of the circuit, as depicted in the image below.
The image above depicts one of the eight distinct circuits that have been assembled. Specifically, the displayed circuit performs the adder operation of the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). After constructing eight separate subcircuits, I integrated them using a multiplexer to form the ALU. At the same time, I also implement a version of the ALU in verilog.
Here is the code that illustrates the four bit ALU in verilog:
///// FOURBITALU /////
module fourBitALU ( XIN, A, B ,S, Z, V, C, F ) ;
input wire XIN ;
input wire [ 3:0 ] A, B ;
input wire [ 2:0 ] S ;
output wire Z, V, C ;
output wire [ 3:0 ] F ;
reg [ 7:0 ] temp_F ;
reg overFlow, carryOut ;
always @ ( S )
carryOut = 1'b0 ;
case ( S )
3'b000 :
temp_F = A + B + XIN ;
carryOut = temp_F[ 4 ] ;
3'b001 :
temp_F = ( B + XIN ) - A ;
carryOut = temp_F[ 4 ] ;
3'b010 :
temp_F = ( A + XIN ) - B ;
carryOut = temp_F[ 4 ] ;
3'b011 : temp_F = 4'b0010 * A ;
3'b100 : temp_F = A / 4'b0010 ;
3'b101 : temp_F = A * B ;
3'b110 : temp_F = A ^ B ;
3'b111 :
if ( A < B ) begin
temp_F = 8'b00001111 ;
end else begin
temp_F = 8'b00000000 ;
default : temp_F = 8'b00000000 ;
assign F = temp_F ;
assign Z = ( temp_F == 8'b00000000 ) ? 1'b1 :
1'b0 ;
assign V = ( temp_F[ 4 ] == 1'b1 ) ? 1'b1 :
( temp_F[ 5 ] == 1'b1 ) ? 1'b1 :
( temp_F[ 6 ] == 1'b1 ) ? 1'b1 :
( temp_F[ 7 ] == 1'b1 ) ? 1'b1 :
1'b0 ;
assign C = carryOut ;
///// FOURBITALU /////