4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Complete ALU circuit implementation in Falstad simulator

Project Overview

This project involved designing and implementing a 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) capable of performing eight distinct operations. The ALU supports fundamental computer arithmetic including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and bitwise operations. The design process involved both hardware simulation using Falstad circuit simulator and Hardware Description Language (HDL) implementation using Verilog.

Source code available at: GitHub Repository

Design Process

Each operation was first prototyped individually in Falstad to verify the logic and ensure correct functionality. The subcircuits were then combined using multiplexers to create the complete ALU. The design follows these specifications:

4-bit adder subcircuit implementation

Supported Operations

The ALU implements the following operations selected by the 3-bit control signal (S):

Complete ALU integration with multiplexer control

Verilog Implementation

The ALU was implemented in Verilog HDL, incorporating all operations and status flags. The implementation includes:

module fourBitALU (
    input XIN,              // Carry input
    input [3:0] A, B,      // 4-bit operands
    input [2:0] S,         // Operation select
    output reg Z,          // Zero flag
    output reg V,          // Overflow flag
    output reg C,          // Carry flag
    output reg [3:0] F     // Result output

    // Temporary variables for calculations
    reg [4:0] temp;
    reg [7:0] mult;

    always @(*) begin
        // Default assignments
        {C, F} = 5'b0;
        V = 1'b0;
            3'b000: {C, F} = A + B + XIN;           // Addition
            3'b001: {C, F} = B - A + XIN;           // Subtraction (B-A)
            3'b010: {C, F} = A - B + XIN;           // Subtraction (A-B)
            3'b011: {C, F} = A << 1;                // Multiply by 2
            3'b100: F = A >> 1;                      // Divide by 2
            3'b101: begin                            // Multiplication
                mult = A * B;
                F = mult[3:0];
                C = |mult[7:4];                      // Carry if upper bits non-zero
            3'b110: F = A ^ B;                      // XOR
            3'b111: F = {3'b000, A < B};            // Compare

        // Set zero flag
        Z = (F == 4'b0000);
        // Set overflow flag for arithmetic operations
        if (S <= 3'b010) begin
                3'b000: V = (~A[3] & ~B[3] & F[3]) | (A[3] & B[3] & ~F[3]);
                3'b001, 3'b010: V = (~A[3] & B[3] & F[3]) | (A[3] & ~B[3] & ~F[3]);

Testing and Validation

The ALU was thoroughly tested using a testbench that verified:

Learning Outcomes

This project provided hands-on experience with:

The combination of both circuit simulation and HDL implementation helped reinforce understanding of digital logic design principles and their practical applications.